Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

January 24th, 2006 7:00 PM



Location:           Regional Office, Grand Falls-Windsor




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                              Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                            Ms. Marina Hewlett (Recorder)

Mr. Peter Budgell                                              Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Mr. John George                                               Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Peter Gibbons                                             Mr. Shawn Brace

Mr. Newman Harris                                          Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Bill Sceviour

Mr. Hubert Langdon

Mr. Scott Pritchett




Ms. Audrey Whiteway

Mr. Greg Woolfrey

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. Kerry Noble


1.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated and amended.  (Harris/Langdon).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1        Regular Meeting December 20, 2005


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the December 20, 2005 as circulated. (Gibbons/George).Carried.


3.         Business Arising:


3.1        An inquiry was made as to when the Minister of Education would be meeting with the Board.  The Director reported that as of yet a date has not been set.  The Chair reported that the Minister will be attending the Atlantic School Boards conference in Corner Brook and that perhaps a discussion could be held with her at that time regarding setting a date for a future meeting.



4.         Committee Reports/Updates


            4.1        Executive Committee


                        Report #1


Motion:            to accept the December 19, 2005 Executive Committee Report as attached to the Minutes.  (Sceviour/Pritchett).  Carried.


The Chair of the Finance/Property Committee inquired as to whether the topic of insurance coverage for trustees could be discussed at the Corner Brook meeting.  The chair suggested that this will be an Atlantic Conference meeting but perhaps the opportunity may arise to discuss this during a provincial caucus meeting.


                        Report #2


Mr. Brown requested that all trustees be forwarded letters from groups who are requesting meetings regarding the restructuring plan.


Motion:            to accept the January 19, 2006 Executive Committee Report as attached to the Minutes.  (Pritchett/Gibbons).  Carried.


            4.2        Finance/Property Committee


Motion:            to accept the December 5, 2005 Report of the Finance/Property Committee as attached.  (Pritchett/Budgell). Carried.


            4.3        Personnel Committee


                        Reports 1 and 2


Motion:            to accept the Personnel Committee reports of December 13, 2005 and January 10, 2006 as attached.  (Langdon/Sceviour).  Carried.


The Chair also reported on the Board/Teacher Liaison Committee Meeting.         


4.4        Programs Committee


                        Reports 1 and 2


Motion:            to accept the Programs Committee reports of December 15, 2005 and January 12, 2006 as attached to the Minutes.  (Sceviour/George).  Carried.


The Chair described the contents of the reports and presented the committee’s work plan for the 2005-2006 school year.


A board member noted that it would be useful to have the public exam and CRT results compiled in a meaningful way for quick perusal; specifically so as it relates to schools that are accessing courses through CDLI.


The Assistant Director, Programs reported that the charts of student achievement results presented to the board are a summary of the data.  The Assistant Director, Programs stated that if he is informed as to what it is the board members would like to have, he can extract the information as requested.


A discussion also took place regarding a letter sent to the Minister of Education by a committee in Rencontre East.  The Assistant Director, Programs stated that this was discussed with Department Officials; however it was not within protocol for him to respond to a letter that was sent to the Minister.


            4.5        Student Support Services Committee


Motion:            to accept the Student Support Services Committee Report of December 8, 2005 as attached to the Minutes.  (Gibbons/Budgell).  Carried.


The Chair noted that the committee is reviewing the foundational documents which govern the delivery of services to students with exceptionalities in the Province.


4.6        NLSBA Update


A board member requested information pertaining to the dress code for the Atlantic Provinces Conference at Corner Brook.  The Director suggested business casual to casual.


A question also arose as to whether board members would attend sessions according to interest or if planning would occur between members to ensure that all sessions have a Nova Central Board representative.  The Chair suggested that members attend sessions of interest.


The Director gave an update on the new labour relations specialist.  The position is now restructured.  Brian Miller is the person who has been hired.  He has an extensive background in labour relations and education.  The school boards, NLSBA and Treasury Board were involved with the selection process.


            4.7        Director’s Report


The Director circulated a folder which contained various correspondences for the Board member’s information and interest.  He also referred board Members to the Director’s report as enclosed in the board member’s package.


Highlights which the Director brought to the board’s attention are as follows:


Baie Verte School System


The school council has written to the Minister requesting that funding for the construction of a new school for the community be included in the 2006 budget.



Meeting at Burlington


Ninety-six signatures were sent to the Director in a petition requesting that the school in Burlington remain open.  The Director noted that the names on the petition are not substantially inclusive of those who attended a meeting in the area regarding the restructuring plan.  The Director informed the Board that the condition of the road is still a concern to parents, as well as the need to upgrade and redevelop the school at Middle Arm.


Bishop’s Falls System


The Director reported on a letter from the MHA, Clayton Forsey, encouraging the District to begin discussions with community stakeholders.


Lewisporte System


The Director was contacted by the Chair of the Lewisporte Academy School Council requesting that the gym at the proposed K-9 school be replaced.


Musgrave Harbour


A public meeting is scheduled for February 6, 2006.




Correction to the Director’s Report – the Eastport School Council meeting with the Executive Committee will occur on February 8, 2006.


The following correspondence was received related to the proposed plan to move Grade 10-12 students to Glovertown commencing September 2006:


1.       Letter from a student, Maria Karyakina was described

2.       Letter from the Town of Happy Adventure

3.       Letter from the community of Sandringham


Point Leamington


Correspondence was received from the Chair of the Point Leamington system asking for input into physical changes being proposed for the school in the community of Point Leamington.


The Director reiterated that the motivation behind the 5 year restructuring plan is not about saving money but rather to provide the best possible programming to students in the district given the continually shrinking teacher allocation.  The goal is to arrange our schools to minimize damage to programming as resources are reduced because of declining student enrolments.


The Director recognized the present of Mr. David Antle, Principal of Exploits Valley High who was awarded a prestigious national award by extending congratulations to him on behalf of the Board and District staff.


5.         Correspondence


            Covered under Director’s Report.


6.         New Business


            6.1        School Design Approvals


The Assistant Director, Programs presented the architectural design of the proposed expansion to Exploits Valley Intermediate.


The following motions related to school extensions and renovations were presented to the board:


Motion:          to  approve the extension and renovations of Exploits Valley Intermediate, as per the three concept design boards prepared by PHB Group January 12, 2006; Sheet numbers SKA101, SKA202, and SKA401.  (Pritchett/Harris) Carried.


Motion:          to approve the extension and renovations of Botwood Collegiate as per the concept design sheet prepared by Gibbons and Snow December, 2005; drawing number DD-A3.02. (Gibbons/Budgell) Carried.


Motion:          to approve the renovation and redesign of Gander Collegiate, following provincial standards, for five additional instructional spaces and modification of existing rooms as follows:


New Construction:


Tech Ed. Minimum of 93m2 and Home Ec. 115m2  sharing a Planning Room 60 m2.

Music Room 90m2.

Classroom 65 m2.

Special Education  Room 30m2.


Renovation and modification of two existing classrooms as follows:


Convert current Biology room to Fitness Centre, a glass shall be put in the common wall between the Fitness Centre and the Gym.


Convert the larger classroom next to the existing portables into two classrooms by removing the walls between the existing classroom, the Special Education Room and the office in this area to provide more space in the room.

(Budgell/Sceviour) Carried.


Motion:            to approve the demolition and rebuilding of Leading Tickles Elementary School.  The new construction will be a version of the attached drawing with a minimum of the following spaces:

<                    multi-purpose room @ 130 sq. meters. 2 computer drops.

<                    two classrooms @ 30 sq. meters plus a washroom in each.  The washroom space is over and above the 30 sq. meters.  Each classroom should have a sink in 2 linear meters of millwork with top and bottom cupboards.  4 computer drops.

<                    a library resource centre/multi-purpose room @ 25 sq. meters.  7 computer drops.

<                    a co-ed staff washroom and a public washroom in the corridor.

<                    two offices one located off the other.  The offices should be large enough for a desk, one filing cabinet and two guest chairs.  The outside office would also contain a copier and fax machine.  2 computer jacks for each.  The photo copier will also need a computer jack.

<                    janitor room and storage 8 sq. meters total.

<                    canteen large enough for a refrigerator, one small shelving unit. The unit will have a dutch door.

<                    building storage 8 sq. meters.

<                    gym storage room 8 sq. meters.

<                    electrical room.

<                    vestibule for room to store 20 pairs of outdoor footwear.

<                    the corridor will contain lockers 20 (primary size without locks)

<                    a primary fenced playground will be provided.

<                    parking will have to be provided for 3 staff and the school bus plus 7 visitors with accessible parking spaces to provincial regulations.

<                    the site around the front of the school will be landscaped.

<                    the school will be ventilated with electric heat.


The Board would like to locate the new school around the present gym area at the rear of the site if possible.  The finish will be all metal siding with single hung vinyl windows.


The gym finish ceiling shall be 12 ft. clear. Two basketball nets will be needed. A portable stage will be needed. (Pritchett/George) Carried.


6.2        Leading Tickles School


The Director reported that there have been challenges in establishing a temporary school.  Students are presently located in the town hall.  The space there has been modified and the district is paying rent for the usage.


The new school is proposed to open between March and September 2006.




6.3        Opening of Carmanville/Eastport Schools


Carmanville – the Director reported that all students and staff are now relocated back to Carmanville.  The school is considered to be a beautiful facility with a mini theatre as a bonus.  The gymnasium will be fully completed in approximately 1 month.  The theatre and music room will be completed in approximately 2 weeks.  The workmanship of the Carmanville Complex is of a very high standard.


Eastport – The quality of the workmanship is not as good as the district would like and therefore specific components of the plan have to be re-done.


6.4        Annual Report 2004-2005


Motion:            to accept the report as presented.  (Pritchett/Sceviour).  Carried.


The Director reported that the report has now been sent to the Minister and will eventually be distributed to all stakeholders.


6.5        Closed Session


Motion:            to move into closed session (Sceviour/Harris).  Carried.


                        Motion:            to come out of closed session (Budgell/Gibbons).  Carried.


6.6        Other Topics of Discussion


Items from the Trustee’s Work Center will be discussed at future meetings.  Some of these topics are specific to committees and should be discussed in the respective committee meetings.


The Assistant Director, Finance informed the Trustees that from January 1 – March 3, 2006 the new travel rate is 33.90¢ per km.


7.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on February 21, 2006, 7:00 PM, Gander Office.


8.         Adjournment


Motion:            to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 PM.



_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                            Marina Hewlett

Chair                                                                            Recorder

